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What is DNS? Consider the following example for a quick visualization: let’s face it, it’s a lot easier for humans to recall names than numbers. For instance, if you want to call someone but can’t remember their number, one option is to find their name on your phone’s contact list.

The DNS, which stands for Domain Name System, uses the same principle. It’s like a phone book that connects people and computers by linking domain names with their corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

🖥️ In this article, we’ll answer “what is DNS?” and explain how it works. Let’s dive right in!

Introduction to DNS and its role in website hosting

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an essential part of the internet that works invisibly to connect the easily remembered names of websites typed into a search bar with their associated IP addresses. While it’s possible to access a website by typing its IP address into the browser, most users prefer to use domain names, which are made up of words.

The process of getting the client the correct IP address is called DNS resolution, and there are four primary servers involved in it:

  1. DNS recursor: The first query goes to the DNS recursor, which then looks through its cache for recently used addresses. If it can’t locate the correct IP address for your website, it forwards the request to the other servers.
  2. Root nameservers: To convert domain names into IP addresses, root nameservers direct your query to more specific data centers.
  3. Top-level domain (TLD) nameservers: TLD nameservers further refine the search by giving access to only those domains ending in a particular extension, such as .com, .org,
  4. Authoritative nameservers: Domains with assigned IP addresses are stored on this server. After receiving the request, authoritative nameservers will respond with the appropriate DNS record. This will allow the requested website to load.

When using the DNS, nameservers are typically used to direct a domain to a particular hosting provider.

What are domain names and how do they relate to DNS?

A domain name is your website’s address on the world wide web. In other words, it’s what visitors enter into their browsers to reach your site. Domain names can be either one word or include several. No matter how many words there are, domain names always end with a dot and a suffix.

People will have a much easier time finding and returning to your website if you buy, register, and use a memorable domain name. The moment people enter your domain name into their browsers, their computers will make a DNS-mediated connection to a multitude of servers.

Conclusion on what is DNS 🧐

The DNS is an essential component of the internet that translates domain names into IP addresses for computers and other devices that can access the web. If you’re planning to start a new WordPress site, transfer an existing one, or buy extra domain names, it’s crucial to have a working knowledge of the fundamentals of DNS management. By answering the question “what is DNS?,” we hope to provide you with a starting point for building your website.

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